Architectural design
- The concepts of push/pull type of pipelines are used in
- MVC Architectural Style
- Pipe-and-Filter Architectural Style
- Broker Architectural Style
- Layered Architectural Style
- In a distributed system when two remote components exchange data, who is responsible for data transformation and transmission ?
- Client Stub
- Broker
- Skeleton
- Bridge
- Polymorphism allows
- component replacement
- late binding of operations
- set parameters at startup
- early binding of operations
- Suppose that you are to design a gmail like mail system. The incoming mails are scanned for different security checks at different level one after other. Each level has its own functionality and depends on input from previous levels.For designing such system, what is the best possible architecture that can be used for this situation.
- layered architecture
- Microkernel
- pipe and filter
- model view controller
- You are fetching data from a NO-SQL platform where the table structure is quite dynamic. It can change depending on the nature of the data. You wouldn't like to change your application everytime the table structure changes. What's the pattern you should use?
- microkernel
- broker
- blackboard architecture
- reflection
- A typical component may have some features available for global use but some features are for its personal use. Which quality tactic it is employing ?
- Separate interface from implementation
- Hide Information
- Record Playback
- Shadow Operation
- Consider a cloud based data centre which runs a VMWare based virtualized platform. You are running an application on top of a MacOS which is essentially a virtual machine running on top of VMWare hypervisor. What role does the MacOS play here ?
- adapter
- internal server
- external servers
- microkernel module
- If you have to design a system that reads a set of student marks for the last 10 years from a file, on which you need to select fall semester marks, then you need to group these marks based on various subjects, sort these records based on marks, and finally report the sorted marks and a statistical trend analysis (mean, median, etc.). Which architectural style would you prefer
- model view controller
- blackboard
- pipe and filter
- Microkernel
- A complex portal's user-interface part interacts with a set of web-servers. These web-servers, depending on the request type, routes it to the appropriate application service which process the request. The webserver then returns the response to the user-interface. Here what is the role of the webserver?
- blackboard
- broker
- kernel
- controller
- Which quality attribute would you consider most important for the development of Google type search query system?
- Testability
- Performance
- Security
- Modifiability
- You are writing a software for a Robocup tournament where your team, comprising of multiple Robots will play a soccer game with another opponent. What should be your architectural strategy to write the overall controlling software for your robot?
- use broker pattern for distributed computing
- use reflection pattern for flexibility
- use blackboard based design
- use microkernel architecture
- If you want to create a modular design in C, which of the following C language features represent interfaces ?
- Struct keyword
- Loop constructs
- Header files (.h files)
- Union keyword
- The observers are associated with ...
- MVC Architectural Style
- Pipe-and-Filter Architectural Style
- Broker Architectural Style
- Layered Architectural Style
- Writing an exception handling code in any GUI application is an example of
- Preventing Ripple effect
- Fault Recovery
- Fault Detection
- Fault Prevention
- Consider a database application where you don't want your application to have hard-coded names of the database columns. You also don't want the number of columns to be hard-coded in your application. If the structure of the table is changed, you want your application to adjust it at runtime. What is the architectural pattern you would consider here?
- pipe and filter
- layered pattern
- model view controller
- reflection
- Microkernel
- You need to test the response time of an online shopping system based on an assumption that the access to the system by one customer is independent of another. Furthermore, there is an expected number of access requests using which you need to simulate the access requests fpr testing. What kind of stimulus you should use
- periodic access requests
- sporadic access requests
- fixed number of access requests
- stochastic model of access requests
- Consider a space-rover system that receives various types of input signals like temperature and pressure of the environment, speed of descend at any given point in time, image of the surface, and wind speed and direction. These inputs are converted into a set of numeric data points for further processing. Based on the speed of descend, it may have to adjust and activate the upward thrust or a parachute. If there is an obstacle, it may have to change its direction so that after falling it does not damage the internal parts. These decisions are difficult to hard-code as a systematic workflow. What architectural pattern would be most appropriate here?
- model view controller
- pipe and filter
- Microkernel
- Reflection
- blackboard
- It is possible to define a concurrency view using the module decomposition. Therefore, concurrency view is not a absolute necessity.
- false
- A person needs to implement a web based scientific calculator. Here the user interface will display numeric keypad, and mathematical operation buttons like arithmetic (+,-,/,*), scientific and statistical functions. Based upon the operations system calculates the expression at the back-end and provide appropriate output, which kind of architecture pattern is best suitable for this kind of software.
- model-view-controller
- pipe and filter
- none of the above
- Which of the following view can be used to analyze the network traffic.?
- Concurrency View
- Class view
- Deployment view
- Use case View
- Which of the following structure does not describe the static property of a software architecture?
- Software deployment structure
- Software runtime structure
- software management structure
- Software code structure
- Suppose that you are building an web-based online shopping application. What is(are) the appropriate architectural patterns?
- model view controller
- pipe and filter
- Microkernel
- blackboard
- layered pattern
- Layered architecture style is best suited to develop the software applications which require
- the components to be easily replaceable
- information separating as a dominant factor
- the performance quality as a dominant factor
- the high security of its data contents
- Which of the following has maximum impact on the performance of the system.
- Support User Initiative
- Separate User Interface
- Support System Initiative
- Enhance Concurrency
- add
Design patterns
.. to be added
- what is serialize object?
- what is serialization and de-serialization ?
- Design tic tac toe game.